They absolutely LOVE the camera...and they love digital...to be able to see themselves on the screen two seconds after the picture is taken is amazing to them. Once my camera is out I have to take at least 3 pictures of every kid. They all scream "auntie sheena me me me, auntie let me let me!!"

Our beautiful house!

This is Aaron and Elliot, both come from abusive homes but never miss a day at Christopher house. They always come with smiles from ear to ear, they love it here...actually Aaron is in the Joshua house (Tuesday) and he was at the center every day last week...we just can't push them away eventhough they are only supposed to come twice a week.

My room is the second set of windows on the left.

I was in the process of learning Lugandan...it is very difficult but necessary to communicate with the little kids.

The joys of having a mesquito net!!! I feel like a princess, and it is so peaceful not having buzzing mesquitos at your ears all night...or geckos...or spiders...or cockroaches...lets just say it keeps the bugs out.

An average day in Uganda. A kid or two, a tire...they find amazing ways to have fun with the littlest things...things that we would trash they play with, it is quite eye opening. Another popular toy around here is a water bottle filled with dirt and rocks, it makes a musical shaker...and then an empty jerry can (use them to gather water everyday) they cut the top off, get in it like a little wagon, tie a rope to it and get drug around all over...they love it, it's kind of like a sled.

Typical traffic...this was a good day. Those are taxis with the blue and white checkers...and that is a "bota bota" they are not safe and the drivers are not smart...but then again no drivers here are...

More smiles for the camera!
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