11 days and I'm on my way!
Am I scared? No. Nervous? A bit. Exited? Yes. Prepared? ...I think so. BIBLE? Check. Passport? Check. Shots? Check. Malaria Pills? Check, Check. Pictures of all of you? Check, Check, Check, Check, Check! Advice? That's where you come in! If any of you have any last minute advice for me; I am all ears! I know a lot of you are missionaries, a lot of you have traveled out of the country and most of you know me and can imagine the emotion that is going on with me and my family...so if you have any words of wisdom, I would love to hear it! :)
Spiritually, the Lord and I are hand in hand entering this new chapter of my life! My trust is completely in Him and I am confident in His plans for me and I am so excited and ready to serve!
Prayer Requests:
-My parents...to draw near to the Lord while Im away!
-Draw closer to the Lord every day!
-Preparation in being away from loved ones
-Stay healthy while we are there
-Connect with the people in Uganda, develop healthy relationships
-Safety in travel
-Last minute packing
-Financial Support...I still need to raise the money for living situations, it is about $13 a day.
Thank you guys so much for being a part of this ministry with me. I couldn't do it without you! I will keep you updated as the days get closer!!! :)
By His Grace,
"Those who claim to live in Him, must walk as Jesus did!"
Our Address
Christopher House Ministries
P.O. Box 70191
Kampala, Uganda, East Africa
see also
Hi Sheena,
You give such a great word and visual picture of life in Africa and what you are experiencing. We are praying for you. Sounds like you are having minisstry opportunities already even without speaking the language. Know that our thoughts are with you.
Love, Kris
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