This was a typical idiot driver who just happened to end up in the ditch...this was one of three accidents we saw this day. Their solution...get a big truck to tow it out and have 20 people help break the axel pushing out...I dont understand some things here but oh well, it was somewhat entertaining.

The sunsets and sunrises are simply amazing.

This is what the kids use as umbrellas when it is raining, they are branches to our papaya tree that we pushed over because otherwise it would have fallen on a kid or two...when the tree fell, 30 kids ran up and fought over all the papaya on it...again very entertaining. These ones went for shelter rather than the food, it just happen to be pouring down rain that day.

Imagine 250 kids in a 540 sq foot room, no form of air except a little house fan in the back...and when electricity went out so did the fan. Not to mention the kids just got done with two hours of sports, games and dancing. This was a "special" saturday. We watched the lion king and had pop corn!!! I also made a 15 min slide show of the kids (Im bringing some copies home to the states) they absolutely LOVE seeing themselves on the digital camera screen...we had a huge white wall for a sceen...they went crazy. You can see all there little heads in this photo! Some of them were directly in front of the wall, there necks had to have been killing them . I had music to the slide show but it wasnt even necessary because they were screeming out the names of every one in every photo, we couldnt even hear a kid if they were crying it was soooo loud. Luckily no one suffered heat exhaustion or suffication. Thank you Lord for your protection!!

This was the mound of shoes outside that very day!! Over 500 shoes!!! This wasnt even all of them, and to think that they all went home with shoes...they may not have been there own but they all had shoes.

NO more braids!!! :( And no more hair!!! I lost sooo much hair but they were so much fun. This is me taking out my very last braid, all the fake hair on the table were all of my extensions. It was crazy!! But I loved it and will probably do it again.

Our cat Joey, he sleeps with me every night, and he kills all the cockroaches so I let him stick around.

In the process of looking at land and taking out my braids we stopped for some african fast food...ie, you stop your vehicle at a market on the roadside and about 15 people come sprinting to your car with meet on stick...bananas...water...fruit...anything you might need for a snack...they push and fight to get you to try to pick their food, they dont just go to the drivers window either...they mob every window.

me and my group of soccer boys, the one in the red and white striped shirt is Tamale Peter!!! He is a kid after my own heart, I dont know if I told you guys about him but he lost his father awhile bcak and his mother is sick and has aids...Im not sure if he does but needless to say he isn't in school because his mother cant afford school fees so I am going to hopefully be able to annonymously sponser him and send him to school this coming feb!!!! He is soooo talented, not to mention our best futball player!!! Pray that the Lord works His wonders there. School fees for a term (3 months) for him are at most $25 a month and that is including a little pocket money. We have a lot of kids that don't go to school because of school fees, however we have many very good students who are fortunate enough to go to school. One boy, Aman Aziz, just nailed his P7 (7th grade) exams!!!! Now he gets to go to high school for the next 5 years providing the school fees are there. His brother however isn't in school because there parents only have money to send one child and Aziz is oldest so he is the only one enrolled right now.

Another shot of our "special" saturday!!!! Before the movie even started their popcorn was gone!

Every Thursday Shelly leads our Bible study! We are studying 1 Samuel and loving it!! The life of David and his heart for the Lord is a huge encouragement to me and hopefully to all of our staff. It is hard to get everyone to participate but Lord willing we will see the fruit of this study produce over the next couple weeks.
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