The journey begins! We went out for the forth time this particular week looking for land...nothing we had seen thus far captured what we were really searching for.

Enoch spend a whole day, literally 10 hours, searching for the perfect place. Everything from the soil, to the bush, to the big trees, hills, flat, accessibility, public transport, water...everything. He knew that Shelly wanted nothing but the best for this camp.

That evening Enoch called us as he was on his way back to the activity center with "great news"! He held us in suspense for 45 min. He came to us with very exciting news. He found two pieces of land for what seemed perfect for what we are looking for. The maps and explainations were great but weren't enough for Shelly. She needed to go and see them both for herself. We would have gone at that moment but it was already dark.

First thing the next morning (8am) we were off! We went to the first piece and it was nice. A little steep terrain, but it had good soil and underground spring...lots of garden, an okay view....onto the next piece...

"WELCOME TO PARADISE!" Bottom line...we prayed about it, we looked hard, we've been patient, we found it, we love it, we feel good about it...we can almost hear God chuckling at us...and better yet we have the money for it...here is our story...

We were originally told that it was 10 acres for 5 million shillings an acre ($27,400). We don't have that much...after meeting with the owner we found out that he was selling 5 acres and was willing to go down to 4 million ($10,960). We don't have that much...

After 9 hours of walking, translating, listening to family fueds and negotiating, we left the land for the second time that day to take the land owner back home...Enoch had been negotiating in Luganda and the tone sounded ominous...not so positive....he said he would fill us in with the details after dropping off the owner...I started praying!!! I was sooo nervous that the owner didn't have the title, or the brother was trying to talk him out of selling it, or they wanted too much money...I prayed!!!

We dropped the owner off and Enoch got this cheshire cat grin and sooooo calmly told us that he had negotiated down to 3.5 million shillings an acre ($9,590). Guess what? WE HAVE THAT!!!!!!!! There are two families from Arbuckle Community Church in California that donated $9000 especially for land!! Is that a God thing or what!!! THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR PATIENCE, ENCOURAGEMENT, EXCITEMENT AND PRAYERS. GOD IS GREAT AND SO FAITHFUL!! We are starting the documentation and survey process this week. Please continue to pray for God's guidence and wisdom every step of the way! We will keep you updated as we get closer to holding that title in our hot little hands!!!

After a stressful day of scouring the Ugandan countryside, it is always a joy coming back to our kids!!! It's all for the children of the Lord.
This is Namubiru Linda and I sharing hats and a little "hang" out time! She is our covergirl for the website, this 5 year old always has a smile on her face...even when she is sick. Just this last week she had a terrible lung infection that caused her to have a bad cough that led to her throwing up...if we wouldn't have taken her to the doctor when we did it would have turned into pnemonia. Unfortunately her mother didn't give her the full dose of her medicine (she gave some to her sister cause she had a "cough") she is still suffering from it and we might need to take her back if it continues or gets worse. But needless to say she is always a joy to be around.
Thank you again and know that we are seeking the Lord's guidance every step of the way and also know that without your prayers and support this wouldn't be possible!!!
Wow, awesome blog! Cody Z.
Hey! This is Shelly's cousin Tami. Tell her I said congrats on the land purchase. I am so proud of her. I never doubted she would make this happen because she has been making her intentions materialize all her life. I send my love.
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