The time has come for me to go home...
For those of you that don't know...I HAVE A HOUSE IN UGANDA!!!! Here it is!!! A place I call my home away from home! I am so excited to live there and continue on this journey that the Lord is leading me on. This weekend I will be flying to California for "Africa Night" (Ukiah Bible Church at 5pm). This is an annual event with great "African" food, lots of pictures, videos and stories; worship, and the infamous silent auction!! This event is always a huge hit! We raise a good portion of the money we need for the year. Shelly (and whoever is here with her) will give a detailed update on what has been going on in "her world" over the past year, and what is in store for the next year. It is a great time of fellowship, prayer, awareness, laughter, tears, and great FOOD!! Pray for us this weekend as we close the gap between you and me...and Uganda. Pray that people listen, understand, grasp and support what it is that we do at Christopher House Ministries~
Stay tuned for pictures from this event! I will have a lot more information for you about where we are going from here and how YOU can help!! Thank you again for all of your prayers and support! Spread the word!! We have received $5 from over 300 people so far!!
The more people that know...the more the money will grow!!! Again thank YOU for being a part of this journey with me!!
In Him
"So, brothers, in whatever condition each was called, there let him remain with God."
1 Corinthians 7:23